if you buy Sephora brands ...like the acutal SEPHORA brand it would come to probably 50-100 bucks depending on how much you want but you could spend up to 300 bucks on a line there. average cost of lip gloss and shadow there can be from 20-30 dollars. brushes can be expensive too.If i were to buy foundation, eyeshadow, lipgloss,lipstick and brushes at SEPHORA how much would it cost?
it reaaally does depend on the brands. like up the front is the cheap stuff and as you work your way to the back of the store it gets more expensive, so if you were going to go sort of middle range for all of that i guess it'd be about $50.. kinda of expensive ehh
well----------it would depend
but i would say $100 you could get set up.
4 me it would take atleast $200 -
good luck
uhh... don't even bother - wayyy too expensive, you can get as good as products at regular drug stores.
Depends on the brands.
It depends on the makeup brands, but a good foundation runs around 20-30$, eyeshadow would be about 10$, lipstick 10$, lipgloss 7$ brushes about 20$ each. So the whole deal should cost you over fifty dollars, under one hundred dollars.
just depends do they come toghther or seperate? if they come toghther then its all one price but if they are sepertaet then i have no clue how nuch it will cost. sorry. :(
does depend on the brands
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