Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Would bare mineral eyeshadow bother my eyes?

I have tried eyeshadow, and hypoallergenic eyeshadow and they both irritate my eyes. Would bare mineral eyeshadow irritate my eyes also?Would bare mineral eyeshadow bother my eyes?
It bothered my eyes so I stopped using it. It does look great on if it doesn't bother you!Would bare mineral eyeshadow bother my eyes?
I use bare-mineral products and they feel very clean. They dont irritate me at all. (:
it is hypoallergenic and natural but the powder might irritate ur eyes. it makes an awful mess on ur counter.
idk, it is great though.... try it out, thats the only way to find out.
Maybe. It has bismuth. So if you are reacting to that in your current makeup then yes. Because BM has bismuth!

I use Bee-Luscious. It has none.

Nope. Its purdy too...lol
they could possibly. if you're going to give it a try, don't put much on, just a little and wait for an hour or so to see if it irritates your eye.
I don't think. I use it and it is really great. I have extra sesative skin. It looks really good too. It doesn't look all tacky and fake like everything else. Hope This Helps!
no bare minerals is all natural products and has no chemicals or hypoallergenic products in them
mmm...i don't think so....
  • skin tone
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